Build it with Your Kids and Amaze Them
Long ago parents were known for being able to fix and build just about anything. As computers have taken over the world and more things are automated we’ve all but given up on the fun of actually building something with our own two hands in favor of buying items that are already complete, but there are some things we can do with our kids and show them what it means to put down the cell phone and build something with two hands and a few tools such as one of the coolest items a kid could love, a go kart.
In order to build a go kart you might think you need to have some fancy tools and a welder, but you actually don’t need these things at all. You do need some tools and even a couple of them need to be power tools, but for the most part you’ll be able to use tools you’ve had for many years and haven’t put to use in a while. This will require some skill, patience and the ability to follow simple directions as you’re taken through the process of building a go kart by using the tools you already have at home.
To be more specific, you do need to have a drill and an angle grinder, these are the only two power tools you must have to complete the job. You’ll also need wrenches, Allen keys, a hammer, files, screwdrivers, a set of squares and some clamps. In order to drill some of the holes you need a 20 mm metal drill bit and a 25 mm bi-metal hole saw so that you can create the larger holes needed during this project. Once you have these tools together, you can get started.
Looking at the parts you need you should have a pit bike engine or a lawn mower engine, a sprocket, an axle, a brake rotor and caliper, wheels, a steering wheel, a seat and a few electronic parts. This may seem like a lot of parts, but when you want to get the job done you need stuff. Also, you have to have some 2” x 2” steel box frame and some angle iron, steel flat bar and a few other items in order to make the platform and frame for your project. The more of this material you have on hand the crazier you go kart design can be.
If this is the first time you’ve worked with metal it’s important to make sure you take it slow and prepare to be patient. The beauty of this project is the fact that you tool a pile of what could have been described as scraps and junk and created something exceptionally fun with your kids that they can have a lot of fun driving around your neighborhood. Check out this video and learn how to build your own go kart so that your kids are reminded of the fact that you really can build anything.
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