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Car Lingo

Car Lingo

Every career field in the world has their own particular set of lingo that makes it difficult for laymen to understand the details of exchanges between co-workers. Truth be told, we do it on purpose. We want to keep some things under our hats in hopes that outsiders are unable to figure out our code. However, in nearly every walk of life, this form of lingo exists. Perhaps this craft wide language revolves around creating a sort of familial feeling or comradery amongst co-workers, or perhaps it exists solely to keep the customer in the dark.

Whatever the reason for the creation of our own personal lingo, it is no more evident anywhere as it is in the car business. With a veritable dictionary rife with terms that only those in the auto business would understand, it’s no surprise that our customers can’t understand half of what we’re saying. In this case, the lingo isn’t meant to confuse or mislead future car buyers, it’s a way to keep some things to ourselves so as not to offend or cause problems, in some instances. Sometimes, it’s just a way to keep things moving as quickly as possible, by not having to draw out the entire lengthy production of words.

There are some cases where the lingo will be dealer specific, that is, related to one particular dealership, but most of the times the vernacular is across the board. While the talk is far from offensive or misleading, as a car buyer, we want to be in the know, on every level. Here are some helpful hints:

The aforementioned terms are just some of the terms you may hear just sitting around the dealership waiting for financing or for paperwork. There’s a plethora of others, but this is all the professional terminology and its meaning. Helping customers to understand the process can only assist in our explanations, and thus, simplify the process. Stay tuned to finally figure out what all that slang speak means that maybe you aren’t supposed to hear.

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