5 Things An Autonomous Vehicle Could Allow You To Do
Self driving vehicles have been frequenting the headlines in recent months and are all the rage amongst auto enthusiasts. It seems that just yesterday the Jetsons were flying in their cars and that we only dreamt of having a car drive that could drive itself, especially after a long day at the office, or long flight. We all have thought it would be nice if the car could drive itself, giving us a little piece of relaxation for a bit. Now it seems that autonomous, or self driving cars could be within reach. So think of the possibilities.
1. Designated Driver
Let’s face it, most of us have all had cocktails with friends and had to leave our cars at the bar after one to many. What an inconvenience it is to have to pick it up the next day. Especially if you had a REALLY good time. Just think if you could program the GPS and tell the car to go home. I’m not sure this is a likely application for using the vehicle since their may be some human interaction required, but it would be helpful.
2. Children’s Chauffeur
Mom’s really understand how this could be a blessing. Mom can you take me to Sally’s house? Why yes, car, take my child to Sally’s. Soccer practice is no longer a hassle when you have a car that can drive your kids to practice. Single parents may really love this concept as it would allow your car to drop off your child without that sometimes cumbersome interaction with the ex.
3. Road Trip!
We all talk about the long road trip across country, but in reality, it is a lot of driving to tackle, leaving you tired and cranky. What if you could take a nap, or sleep overnight while your self driving car takes you to your next destination? I know that I would probably visit family that lived farther away if I didn’t have to drive so far.
4. Teen Driver Educator
Oh self driving car, teach my child to drive. Imagine if your teen was driving in the car and the car corrected them. Oh boy! I wouldn’t have to be wrong so much about driving with all of my years of knowledge and driving experience. The car could just tell her she is wrong. Saving parents sanity around the world!
5. Senior Citizen’s Best Friend
It isn’t always easy for Grandma or Grandpa to get around town as they get older. It is harder for them to see and they often have many doctors appointments, or maybe just need to get some groceries in their home. Life could be a little easier if they could get to the places they need to go without having to rely on public transportation or expensive taxi cabs. It would also make them less reliant on family members, giving them back their independence.
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