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Mercedes and BMW to standardize models to make things simple for buyers

Mercedes and BMW to standardize models to make things simple for buyers

Mercedes-Benz and BMW have announced plans to begin selling more standardized cars and services in an effort to boost profit margins and simplify the needlessly complex list of options for buyers while also giving them the choice to customize their vehicle.

It’s hoped that this decision will attract more customers to the brands who may struggle with or be intimidated by the ever-growing list of model variants, multimedia features, and safety technology that is available in new cars, the companies say.

Ian Robertson, BMW’s board member responsible for sales and marketing, said that the new 4-series coupe was being offered with four different trims, and the i8 hybrid sports car was being offered in only three packages of options.

“We have packaged a number of trim levels to help the customer and ourselves, because the complexity was very high. A clearly understandable package was the M sport package,” Mr. Robertson said, referring to cars equipped with the performance luxury trim which comes with more ornate bumpers and spoilers and top of the line engines.

Read more about the story at Reuters.

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